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All my life I was hidden, my truth forbidden. Stuck in the past, wondering how long it would all last. Fast-forward to today, and I can finally say, "I've put my past away."
Hi I'm Neal. When people ask me, "Where are you from?" I tell them, "A universal home; is more real to me, than anything else." Growing up, it wasn't always this way.
Watching a movie only wishing it to be true. Life was robotic. Same patterns each day; observing others living out their dreams, thinking something is not what it seems. Alone, inside my head; no way to shed, an image everyone fed.
Where was I from? What had life become? Why wasn't it fun? How will this illusion be undone?
Truth. By speaking truth to power. I will no longer cower or feel sour because I've blossomed into a flower.
-Neal The Earthling-

Realize you are not alone. Journey with an Earthling, much like yourself, lost in search of home. Everything you have ever known will be blown apart by profound words of Neal The Earthling, brought to life through Illustrations of Lyn The Alien.
Written on Earth, but, out of this world, "Where Are You From?" is woven together through one empowering story bringing hope to our ever-fragile world. Find yourself pulled into an undiscovered universe through each poetic verse.
It begins in reflection, detection of childhood trauma, responsible for lifelong drama. A sensitive creature born, identity torn, by lifelong scorn. An alien cast away, living in shadows each day, with every truth held at bay. Wishing to be found; to walk on solid ground; discover soulful sounds; where light abounds, as darkness drowns.
Will this Earthling find home, or be, forever unknown?
Discover the cost of being lost. Flip through pages depicting stages…There will be moments which enrage, bring sadness, madness...How does it end? Connect by disconnecting; each poem intersecting; tales to help us reconnect to introspect to reflect…Left only to expect the unexpected. Where are you from?
"Where I'm from doesn't matter;
Nor, where I am going;
For, right here, right now,
This is home as I like to call it."

My Recent Posts

My Reflection was never who I wanted to be,
My Reflection was my biggest bully;
My Reflection made it impossible to see, the better side of me.
What does your reflection show? Do you even know? "
My Reflection" is a story reflecting our deepest regrets, our darkest sins, melodramatic spins on what it means to be...
Struggling to see the fragility of our own EGO, this book helps show, and it helps throw away pains of yesterday to live today beyond a suffocating Gray. Clouded by our own misconceptions, tangled perceptions spinning us into toxic inceptions.
What you can't see often prevents you from being free...
This leads to a life defined by fragility.
Our goal with "My Reflection" is to break through the illusion that your life has already reached its conclusion.
There is a lot more to live if only you could forgive.
Forgive yourself, nobody else.
For, it's when you find yourself able to forgive that you can finally give all of yourself.
Discover your full potential, which is exponential...
Being one amongst stars.
Need to contact me about something? Reach out, I’d be happy to hear from you.